Here are your six month statistics and milestones:
- You weigh 18 lb., 13 oz. We are still exclusively BF'ing, and we haven't yet had to supplement with formula. You LOVE food, and I've been making all of your food. So far you've had sweet potatoes, green beans, winter squash, pears, peaches, apples, carrots, avocado, yogurt and bananas. I'm sure I'm missing something, but needless to say, you LOVE to eat. You are a chubby, healthy little boy!
- You've started to get the "pincher grasp", and you enjoy feeding yourself. You would much rather feed yourself than take a spoon that mommy or daddy gives you with food on it. You love Puffs, but you always try to feed them to the dog from your high chair.
- You are 27 1/2 inches long at your six month appointment in July.
- Now wearing Size 4 diapers, but you can still wear Size 3, as well, but the 4's are more comfortable for all of us, because you were wetting the front overnight.
- You ONLY sleep on your stomach. You hate sleeping on your back, and you always roll over to your stomach during your sleep, so I've just stopped putting you on your back. It scared me at first, but I've gotten used to it. If you roll over onto your back during the night, you'll wake up and roll yourself back over. It's SO funny to watch on the video monitor.
- You can no longer wear any 6 month or 6-9 month outfits. You sometimes wear 9 month outfits, but most of those are too snug, as well. You are mostly wearing 12 month clothes, and you have some 18 month clothes already.
- You are still sleeping through the night. You usually are in bed and going to sleep by 6:30 PM, and I wake you up at 6:30 AM during the week. On the weekends, you will sleep until 7:30 AM. You never wake up mad. You always wake up and will just play in your crib until I come and get you. No screaming to get out!
- You still like to go to sleep on time! It's getting easier to keep you up late, but you don't like to stay up too late. You still don't like to be held when falling asleep or tired.
- You love to sit up and play by yourself. You are Mr. Independent and can be content to sit by yourself and play with your toys for at least a half hour.
- You NEVER sit still! If we put you in one place, you are scooting and moving to another location. You aren't crawling yet, but you can get where you want to go! It's SO cute! :)
- You still only have two teeth, but we are confident that you are going to get more as you are constantly drooling, and we can feel the teeth just below your gums.
- You've gotten to the point where you don't like to drink milk that much...you went from drinking 8 oz. per bottle to drinking maybe 4 oz. per bottle. You drink anywhere from 7-11 oz. while you are at daycare during the day. You used to drink 16 oz. while you were there! You drink well in the morning, but you don't in the evening. I'm lucky if I can get you to drink 1 oz., but I'm trying to do different things to get you to drink better. You are still sleeping through the night regardless. Your pediatrician told me not to worry, because you are on the "bigger" side, and you are probably getting what you need.
- You are no longer drinking out of a bottle at all...we think that the nipple must have been bothering your gums, because you chewed on it, and you never would drink out of it anymore, so we switched you to a cup, and you love your cup, so it's been working well, and you are drinking better.
- You LOVE water. You think it's the best, and I have to limit how much you drink, because you would drink it before milk, if I would let you.

I'm sure that I'm missing something, but I've posted enough for now. As I said before, I can't believe that he's growing so fast. It's been an amazing journey so far, and I love being a mother to this sweet little boy.