Thursday, December 9, 2010

So much to be thankful for...

I know I'm SO late on posting Thanksgiving photos, but I had lost my camera, and I just now found it, and I got it charged back up, so better late than never!

We spent a great Thanksgiving Holiday with my parents at their house on Thursday followed by a second round with Great-Grammy & Grandfather in Greenville, SC on Friday. It was a great week, and we truly do have so much to be thankful for in the Harvey Household.

We are healthy and enjoying life with an almost 11 month old! He is so joyful, and I need to post a Monthly Update...I'm WAY late!

Here are some things that I'm thankful for this year:
  • A handsome, healthy son
  • A loving, supportive husband and father
  • A husband who gives our son a bath every single night, puts on his pajamas and reads to him, because he enjoys that special time that they share each night.
  • Parents who love us and our son and who would do anything to help us and be there for us when we need them.
  • A dog who lets our son chew on him, pull his ears and tail, step on him and "pat" him constantly.
  • The ability to nurse my son to his 1st Birthday! Yay!
  • Friends with children close in age to Weston that we spend time with regularly
  • My sister who is getting married in the Spring, and I get to help with her wedding! She is a true best friend, and I'm SO glad that I can call her that!
I have SO much more to be thankful for, and I could go on and on and on, but I'll stop with those for now! I have nothing to complain about and am so grateful for all the joy in our lives.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Visit with Santa

This past Saturday, we had the chance to go see two Santa's, and it was a PERFECT day as a family. We woke up and headed out for breakfast at Cracker Barrel, because we had a gift card. After breakfast, we went to our church where they were hosting a "Breakfast with Santa" with breakfast foods, arts and crafts and most importantly, Santa made an appearance! Weston got his picture made, and he actually liked Santa.

Next, we headed out to get Weston's photo taken with another Santa. We didn't get the photo at church, and we wanted some photos that we could use for Christmas gifts, as well, so we got some additional photos done. Again, W did great! We then went to Bass Pro Shop followed by lunch as a family before we dropped Weston off with my parents for his nap and to spend the night while Grant and I went to our office Christmas Party.

It was a great day, and I thoroughly enjoy Saturdays that we all spend together! I'm really looking forward to the next one! :)

Looks like he did pretty well with Santa, huh?! I saw some photo's of his daddy with Santa, and let's just say, it's NOT pretty! So glad that we didn't have a meltdown...