It's been a busy month, and I'm writing this letter when you're almost four months old rather than three months old, but I promise I'll do better next month, and I'll write the letter before you are almost five months.
Again, I can't believe that so much time has already seems like just yesterday you were born, and we were in the hospital watching you in amazement. Now, you have your own little personality, and it's quite entertaining.

- Not sure how much you weigh now, but at almost three months, you weighed 15 lbs. 7 oz. We are still exclusively BF'ing, and we haven't yet had to supplement with formula. You are a chubby, healthy little boy!
- Around 24-25 inches, but we aren't sure, because you move so much that we can't get a good measurement.
- Moved up from Size 2 to Size 3 diapers
- Wearing some 3-6 Month clothes, but the majority of your clothes are 6 months, and you are wearing some 6-9 or 9 month outfits, as well.
- You are playing with toys, and you LOVE your keys. We have one set of keys for the car and Miss Mary's, and we have one set to keep at home. You LOVE that they make noise. Anything that makes noise, you are crazy about!
- You no longer cry at bedtime. We can lay you down and you look around for a few minutes and then finally fall asleep. I also see you wake up in the video monitor, and you don't cry anymore. You just look around and then go back to sleep! When I get you in the mornings, you are sometimes awake and looking around, but not usually crying.
- You like to go to sleep on don't like to stay up late! You cry and scream until we let you go to sleep. We sometimes have to leave if we are out late, because you get upset.
- You don't like to be held when you are falling asleep or tired. You want us to leave you alone and put you down, so you can fall asleep on your own. Needless to say, there is no rocking you to sleep. :)
- You put EVERYTHING in your mouth! You put your hands in your mouth, our hands in your mouth, your keys, burp cloth, etc. If it's nearby, you want to eat it.
- You watch Mommy & Daddy eat. We sit you in your highchair when we eat dinner every night and you just watch us as we eat our food. You'll definitely be ready to eat when it's time! :)

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