Here are your eight month statistics and milestones:
- You weigh approximately 22 lbs. I took you to the doctor last Friday, and that's what you weighed then, so I'm assuming that you are close to that now. I have no idea how long you are, but I'll find out next month at your nine month check-up. We are still exclusively BF'ing, and we haven't yet had to supplement with formula. You LOVE food, and I've been making all of your food. You've had SO many different types of food, and you still love it, but you are starting to push away your vegetables. You LOVE fruit, yogurt and meats...Turkey is your favorite! You are a chubby, healthy little boy!
- You still enjoy feeding yourself. You would much rather feed yourself than take a spoon that mommy or daddy gives you with food on it.
- Still wearing Size 4 diapers. You are wearing size 12-18 month clothes with some remaining nine month items thrown in, as well.
- You ONLY sleep on your stomach. You hate sleeping on your back, and you always roll over to your stomach during your sleep, so I've just stopped putting you on your back. It scared me at first, but I've gotten used to it. If you roll over onto your back during the night, you'll wake up and roll yourself back over. It's SO funny to watch on the video monitor.
- You have not been sleeping through the night lately, and it's frustrating, but I know that it'll change again. We had gotten so used to you sleeping for 12-13 hours, so it's tough to adjust. You've been waking up some nights once or twice and some nights not at all, but you've been waking up earlier in the morning, so we are trying to push your bedtime back to 7:00-7:30 PM to see if that helps!
- You still like to go to sleep on time! It's getting easier to keep you up late, but you don't like to stay up too late. You still don't like to be held when falling asleep or tired.
- You love to sit up and play by yourself. You are Mr. Independent and can be content to sit by yourself and play with your toys for at least a half hour.
- You NEVER sit still! If we put you in one place, you are gone in just a few seconds. You are crawling all over the place, pulling up on everything and standing. It's so crazy how quickly you are growing!
- You still only have two teeth, and we thought some more would appear, but they haven't yet. We are hoping that your teeth bothering you is the reason why you aren't sleeping, as well, and you will start sleeping better once they pop through.
- You still prefer to drink out of a sippy cup during the day, but at night, you want your bottle or your mommy. I had to go out of town for a week, and you wouldn't let your daddy give you a cup, you wanted a bottle instead.
- You still LOVE water, and we haven't given you any juice.
- Mommy has been traveling for work some lately, and she has had to leave you overnight with Daddy. Mommy is missing you, but Daddy is really great and handles it very well. He has had NO problems! :)
- You LOVE Banks, the dog. You think he is so much fun! Every afternoon when we get home, we go and let him out, and you just LOVE it. You kick your legs and get excited. You are trying to say "dog", because we say it constantly, but it comes out as "Doh".
- You are also saying "Da-Da". You say it constantly as you are playing and when I ask you if your Daddy is coming home, you start crawling around saying it. It's SO cute, and now, I'm just waiting on "Mommy" to come out of your mouth next! :)
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