It's been another really busy month at the Harvey household, and you've experienced so many "firsts" this month. You attended your first Rehearsal, Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding in Dallas, GA. Your daddy was in the wedding, and you were such a good boy throughout the entire ceremony. You even let Mommy & Daddy hang out until 9:30 PM even though it was way past your bedtime.
- 16 lb. 13 oz. We are still exclusively BF'ing, and we haven't yet had to supplement with formula. You are a chubby, healthy little boy!
- 25.5 inches
- Still in Size 3 Diapers
- Wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes, but you still wear some 6 month clothes and also wear 9 month clothes.
- Your coordination is improving, and you love playing with toys that makes noise still! You are now reaching and grabbing for toys!
- You are still sleeping through the night. You go to sleep between 6:30 and 7:00 PM now, and you sleep until 6:30 AM. Though the past few nights, you've woken up in the middle of the night with gas. The past two mornings when we've gotten you up, you've had a dirty diaper, so it looks like you were uncomfortable!
- You still like to go to sleep on time, but you are getting better. You've allowed mommy and daddy to continue our weekly ritual of going to Mexican for dinner on Sunday nights. It's been fun!
- You still don't like to be held when you are falling asleep or tired. You want us to leave you alone and put you down, so you can fall asleep on your own, but you have let me hold you when you've been tired a little more lately.
- You still put EVERYTHING in your mouth! You put your hands in your mouth, our hands in your mouth, your keys, burp cloth, etc. If it's nearby, you want to eat it.
- You always try to "eat" Mommy's are too funny, but I will be holding you, and you'll start gnawing on my shoulder, but you don't do it to anyone else, only Mommy.
- You no longer fit into your Bumbo seat...your legs are too big, and I've tried SO hard. I tried pushing you into it, and you screamed at me, because it really hurt. I don't think I'll try that again unless your legs thin out a little bit!
- Since you are sitting up, we've gotten rid of your infant bathtub. You didn't like it anyways, because you like to splash so much, so we moved you to the Duck tub, and you love it, because you sit up so well, and you can splash the water around you. It's too cute. Bath time is still your favorite time of the day!
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