Well, I've been away for a week now, because we spent the past week in St. Augustine, FL on vacation and attending a three day family reunion for the McCarthy side of the family. It was a great weekend. Weston put his toes in the sand for the first time, and we enjoyed spending time away from the office. The family loved on Weston, and Ms. Mary at daycare said all he wanted to do was be held yesterday. Oops...I don't think he got put down all weekend. Gram & Gramps especially enjoyed spending time and loving on the little man. It was a fun and enjoyable time for all of us!
We came back from the trip to a not so nice surprise...our upstairs air condition went out, so we are crossing our fingers that the AC guy can make it out this afternoon to take a look. For now, we are sleeping downstairs on the couch and Weston is in his Pack & Play downstairs. It's a steamy 98 degrees upstairs.
Weston also turned 5 months old since I last posted, and I have some photos to upload from his 5 month photo shoot. For now, I'll leave you with some photos of our beach vacation...

Our little family before Dinner on Saturday night

Mommy & Little Man

Daddy & Weston playing in the sand

So sweet...

Playing on the deck as the sun goes down...what a nice night!

Please let me have some, Daddy...just a little!

Father & Son

Getting ready to fall asleep in my arms after a LONG beach and pool filled morning!

Lounging on the Beach

Floating in the pool...he loves it!

Wearing dad's shades...I think I need a pair like this!

Taking a play break before we get back on the road to finish the final leg of the drive home!

Look Mom, I can drive too...

Hanging out with 2nd Cousin, Tyler
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