I know I'm SO late on posting Thanksgiving photos, but I had lost my camera, and I just now found it, and I got it charged back up, so better late than never!
- A handsome, healthy son
- A loving, supportive husband and father
- A husband who gives our son a bath every single night, puts on his pajamas and reads to him, because he enjoys that special time that they share each night.
- Parents who love us and our son and who would do anything to help us and be there for us when we need them.
- A dog who lets our son chew on him, pull his ears and tail, step on him and "pat" him constantly.
- The ability to nurse my son to his 1st Birthday! Yay!
- Friends with children close in age to Weston that we spend time with regularly
- My sister who is getting married in the Spring, and I get to help with her wedding! She is a true best friend, and I'm SO glad that I can call her that!