Our little guy is not so small anymore, and he's definitely a little pig! :) He tells me constantly that he's hungry, and it's just unreal how quickly he is growing and changing. Our life as a family is so happy, and we are so grateful for our little guy! He is just too precious! He is a semi-fussy baby, and he spends a lot of his evenings crying, and we try our best to soothe him though it doesn't always work. It breaks my heart to see him so upset! He does sleep though, and it makes me so happy. He usually sleeps a five hour stretch at night followed by another three hour stretch before we get up for the day.
Now onto Weston's Stats & Milestones for Month 1:
- 10 lb. 4 oz...Unbelievable! He started off his life at 7 lb. 2 oz, and he got down to 6 lb. 13 oz. after birth, and he's bulked back up to 10 lb. 4 oz. We are exclusively BFing.
- 23 inches long...Again, so crazy! He has grown three inches since birth!
- Moved up from Newborn Diapers to Size 1
- Outgrown most of his newborn clothes, especially in the length, and he has moved on to 0-3 Month clothes; however, many of these are still too big!
- Lifts his head and moves it from side to side
- Holds his head up briefly
- Holds focus on Mommy
- He has become so much more alert...he keeps his eyes open watching and looking around, as well as, moving his hands all around!
- He has such a serious face and people always comment that he looks so much like an old man! Ha-Ha!
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