I can't believe that you are two months old...these past eight and a half weeks have flown by, and you have changed drastically since you were born. I don't even recognize you as the baby that you were on your birthday! You have grown out of much of your crying phase, and we no longer have periods during the day where you scream at the top of your lungs. Mommy & Daddy can make you happy now, and you smile and grin at us to let us know.
You have started cooing and talking to us all the time, and we just love it. It's so much fun, and we love all the funny expressions that you make. You are such a serious baby, and it can be difficult to get a grin out of you sometimes.
You rolled over from your stomach to your back during this month, and you have done it a few times since then. You are SO strong, and you like to stand up on Mommy & Daddy's legs. You will also sit up against something, if you are propped up. We just are enjoying these phases so much! We can't wait to see your progress and are looking forward to the next few months and all the changes that you will go through.
Here are your two month statistics and milestones:
I can't believe that you are two months old...these past eight and a half weeks have flown by, and you have changed drastically since you were born. I don't even recognize you as the baby that you were on your birthday! You have grown out of much of your crying phase, and we no longer have periods during the day where you scream at the top of your lungs. Mommy & Daddy can make you happy now, and you smile and grin at us to let us know.
You rolled over from your stomach to your back during this month, and you have done it a few times since then. You are SO strong, and you like to stand up on Mommy & Daddy's legs. You will also sit up against something, if you are propped up. We just are enjoying these phases so much! We can't wait to see your progress and are looking forward to the next few months and all the changes that you will go through.
- 12 lb. 13.5oz. We are still exclusively BF'ing, and we haven't yet had to supplement with formula. It's been a very rewarding experience and SO convenient, because I don't have to carry bottles and formula with me everywhere! :)
- 23.5 inches long...
- Moved up from Size 1 to Size 2 diapers
- Still in most of his 0-3 Month clothes, but he can also now wear the 3-6 month or 6 month outfits. They are still a little big, but I'm sure they won't be that way for long!
- Watches Mom & Dad constantly
- So alert and independent...you like to sit quietly by yourself and watch everyone and everything around you!
- You cry at bedtime...we can't figure it out! During our bedtime routine after you get out of the bathtub, you start screaming at the top of your lungs. We think you are overtired, but we aren't sure. It's tough, and it's difficult to soothe you when you get like that! We hope you'll grow out of it soon...
- You have big hands and big feet...everyone says that you look just like your daddy!
- You fight sleep...you hate taking naps and hate going to bed at night...your are definitely your father's son. He hates sleeping, because he feels like he might miss out on something.
- You have the sweetest smiles, and I just can't get enough of them! :)
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